Eagle Eye Adventures
Botanical and Cultural Adventures
Tours with Eagle Eye Adventures
Although we are no longer offering tours while Andy is working on his graduate degrees, previously we had offered several types of trips each year designed for many different tastes and interests. There was always the flexibility to design a specific trip at any time of year to see and do what you are interested in, and affordable custom trips were made for anywhere between 2 and 20 people! Examples of previous trips are still listed below.

Eco-Adventure Alternative Spring Break
A unique opportunity for an activity packed spring break that was full of adventure. Based in Puerto Vallarta, there was a mixture of time to play on the beaches on the bay as well as zip lines, rappelling, and hiking in the mountains. With open days scheduled, you could have either enjoyed some poolside lounging, beach time, or taken part in more optional adventures. Two nights were spent out at a remote 'resort' along miles of empty beach. Not your parents' spring break!
Taste of Oaxaca
Sampling the great food and culture of the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. We explored some of the wonders of the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. A rich culture that retains strong ties to traditions dating back well before the Spanish colonization was explored on these trips: ranging from the immense ruins of Monte Alban, to the rich variety of foods, and the incredible artisan crafts of the regional villages. This trip visited the best of the best of this wonderful city and region--not to mention exploring part of the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Desert Bioreserve.
Tropical Escape to Vallarta:
We explored the tropical beaches and rich mountains of the Puerto Vallarta region on this relaxed trip. Taking it on the easier side of things (not as active as the Alternative Spring Break Eco-Adventure). Remote beaches and historic mountain mining towns. Organic shade-grown coffee and artisan silver jewelry.

Custom/Private Tours
We also planned custom trips for guests. A custom trip made sure that you were able to see and do exactly what you want. The full spectrum could have been accommodated from exploring for specific plants, searching out the most traditional foods, modern cuisine, or artisan crafts and fine art. Trips were planned for groups from 2-16 people.